
水思源科技发展有限公司. georg fischer ltd-太阳集团tcy8722

gf comprises three divisions gf piping systems, gf automotive, and gf machining solutions. founded in 1802, the corporation is headquartered in switzerland and is present in 32 countries, with 124 companies, 48 of them production facilities. its approximately 14 000 employees generated sales of chf 3.77 billion in 2013.

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diastar 025型气动隔膜阀

这一系列具有最大的闭合力,因此被用在那些需要控制的高压力管路(两端最高可至10 bar)的应用。如果很看重系统集成是否简单这一点,那么带集成附件接口的diastar 025 也是最佳的选择。可用的操作模式:fc、fo 和 da。

diastar 028型气动隔膜阀fc

diastar 028 适用于压力高至10 bar、需要集成附件的所有标准应用领域中。这一型号有一个附件接口,可以通过它方便地将执行器连接至控制系统。而且它还具有性价比高、尺寸小巧的特点。

diastar eco型气动隔膜阀

设计紧凑、使用寿命长的经济型阀门得到一个完美的古天乐代言太阳集团网址的解决方案。执行器通过专门优化,采用橡胶膜片和可达6 bar的工作压力。

signet 525 metalex paddlewheel flow sensor

the signet 525 metalex paddlewheel flow sensor combines stainless steel construction with insertion paddlewheel technology. the result is a highly reliable sensor suitable for operating at extreme pressures and temperatures. the tungsten carbide shaft and carbon fiber reinforced bearing provides excellent wear resistance for for extended service.
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