gf comprises three divisions gf piping systems, gf automotive, and gf machining solutions. founded in 1802, the corporation is headquartered in switzerland and is present in 32 countries, with 124 companies, 48 of them production facilities. its approximately 14 000 employees generated sales of chf 3.77 billion in 2013.
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适用于传输药物级纯净水 (pw)和去离子水,用热水、化学品蒸气或臭氧进行清洁。由于耐化学性出众,它广泛地用于化学品传输系统中。
gf管路系统的 pvdf 管件、接头和座架以 sygef 为品牌名称进行销售。
gf管路系统的聚乙烯电熔焊管件以elgef plus作为品牌进行销售。
gf piping systems 的新型气动隔膜阀在安全、高效和简单易用方面实现了技术革新。
与手动阀一样,新的 diastar 也有一个中间联管螺母。此连接具有无腐蚀性、温度稳定性,并可耐受 16 巴的高压。